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Comparison of Facebook MMM vs AdoptoMedia MMM

Introduction to MMM Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM) has been around for over 30 years and almost every marketer at least once has heard about it. It was first introduced in the 1980s as a tool for analyzing the impact of various marketing activities on sales or any other business metric. The idea was pretty simple: if we can use multiple regression analysis to describe processes in economics, why not use it to establish a relationship that describes the responsiveness of sales to marketing spending? Since then, the methods and approaches have changed and improved, the amount of data increased, which led to the rise of alternative methods for measuring marketing effectiveness such as attribution models, but MMM stands as the most useful and essential tool for optimizing marketing strategies. Due to recent changes in privacy regulations regarding the user data, it’s getting much more challenging to implement third-party cookies into analysis. That is another reason to rely on MMM for measuring campaign performance. It only needs aggregated data to function and will not be affected by the phase-out of third-party cookies. However, MMM also may be challenging for those who want to use it in decision-making, because it is not… Read more »

Adapting MMM models to COVID-related changes

Evaluating media budget effectiveness and finding optimal media mix has always been an important and difficult task, and it’s even more so in the current situation during the COVID-19 outbreak. In this article we will discuss Facebook and experts’ advice on adjusting marketing mix models to the situation on the market and explain how our solution can be useful to marketers today. We are trying to keep you updated on all marketing measurement trends, that’s why we prepared an article on the use of measurement tools after the phase-out of cookies and IDFA. Get ready to privacy changes and apply solutions that won’t be affected by the new conditions. See how MMM, MTA, brand studies and other approaches are going to function without third-party cookies. Marketing budget allocation is a very important strategic process. And making the right decision is especially difficult when game-changing situations like the COVID-19 outbreak happen. Today it’s necessary to invest in channels that will bring measurable results. Marketing Mix Modelling is a well-tried, reliable tool that has been helping marketers to make well-informed strategic decisions and measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. In a previous article we said that modern MMM solutions meeting advertisers’ requirements… Read more »

New era of cross-media measurement

In September 2020, the World Federation of Advertisers revealed a new cross-media measurement proposal framework developed in partnership with major digital platforms. In this article you will learn what requirements a new solution has to meet and how AdoptoMedia can benefit advertisers on this matter.  We are trying to keep you updated on all marketing measurement trends, that’s why we prepared an article on the use of measurement tools after the phase-out of cookies and IDFA. Get ready to privacy changes and apply solutions that won’t be affected by the new conditions. See how MMM, MTA, brand studies and other approaches are going to function without third-party cookies. Over time with the appearance of new communication channels, media mix has become very complex. Today companies promote their goods and services through a wide range of digital and offline channels, which complicates marketers’ task of analyzing the effectiveness of advertising activities. WFA considers accurate evaluation of cross-media campaigns so important that in partnership with digital platforms, including Google and Facebook it worked for over 18 months to create a framework that should stimulate a new approach to measurement. Large advertisers, agencies and other members of the marketing ecosystem also contributed to… Read more »

Our solution to the current ROMI challenges

Even though marketing technology is advancing, existing tools don’t fully match arising needs and challenges of the industry. There are still no universal measurement standards, so marketers around the globe are struggling to justify huge investments, which amount to $560 bln annually, according to A. Guttmann research. In the article we will cover the limitations of the current ROMI approaches, that McKinsey experts point out, and our capabilities for dealing with them. We are trying to keep you updated on all marketing measurement trends, that’s why we prepared an article on the use of measurement tools after the phase-out of cookies and IDFA. Get ready to privacy changes and apply solutions that won’t be affected by the new conditions. See how MMM, MTA, brand studies and other approaches are going to function without third-party cookies. Due to users massively shifting to online and mobile content, a huge part of the marketing spend is allocated to digital channels. It’s a reasonable strategy, but what we do wrong is measure the results of such campaigns. We focus too much on short-term results and user-level data, that seem more accurate, just because the tools like multi-touch attribution allow it, and not always because… Read more »

Marketing technology to maximize your ROMI

According to a recent Gartner research, companies spend 12% of their revenue on marketing, and about a third of this money is allocated to marketing technology. It absolutely makes sense, because simply pouring money in advertising relying only on your experience or gut feeling will not necessarily give the results you expect. But with the right technology you don’t take any risks and find ways to cut spends and drive ROMI. The first step to an effective marketing strategy is high-quality and comprehensive data, because well-informed decisions based on statistics will definitely lead to success. The statistical tool that analyzes different parameters affecting past sales and provides forecasts for upcoming periods is Marketing Mix Modelling (MMM). Some important parameters it tracks are: Media types Effectiveness of online and offline channels Incremental sales MROI of different media types Seasonality Competitors’ marketing activities Implementing MMM is a wise choice not only for Consumer Goods industry, where the competition is high and brand loyalty is low, but for any large company that manages business in more than one region or country and promotes its goods and services through a wide range of media channels. With MMM you will be able to quickly and… Read more »

Media Measurement Tools

We are trying to keep you updated on all marketing measurement trends, that’s why we prepared an article on the use of measurement tools after the phase-out of cookies and IDFA. Get ready to privacy changes and apply solutions that won’t be affected by the new conditions. See how MMM, MTA, brand studies and other approaches are going to function without third-party cookies. According to EXL Service, retail CMOs and marketing managers invest 8-10% of their sales revenue into marketing. An important thing here is to distribute this budget between different media channels in the most effective way and make sure that all the money spent pays off. What we need is metrics that accurately reflect ROI on a sufficiently granular level; unfortunately for now, media measurement is not keeping pace with business needs in this rapidly changing media landscape, shifting from TV to a multi platform video. On CIMM’s request, the current state of marketing/media ROI analysis was analyzed. The Coalition for Innovative Media Measurement (CIMM) is a group of content providers, buyers and sellers promoting innovation for Television, Internet, Mobile and cross platform audience measurement in the USA. Among CIMM members are CBS, Discovery, NBC, P&G and The… Read more »

Three Pillars of Procter&Gamble Ad Revolution

The debate about the transparency issues in the advertising industry has been gaining momentum recently, and it all started with Jon Mandel’s 2015 speech at the Association of National Advertisers’ (ANA) annual media conference. The following year, an independent research was conducted by K2 Intelligence LLC (“K2”) which showed that numerous non-transparent business practices, such as rebates and problematic principal transactions, had been taking place on a regular basis across the whole media spectrum. Numerous evidence suggested that some advertising agencies had taken advantage of their position failing to act in the best interests of the advertisers. The incident took an unprecedented turn in 2018 when the FBI had to intervene and ask the ANA and its members for cooperation. At this point, there is nothing conclusive yet, no accusations or charges have been put forward, but the FBI assumes there may be numerous potential financial fraud victims and wants them to assist in such a massive investigation, which might reveal offences far more serious than financial fraud like conspiracy and even racketeering. Such a scandal couldn’t go by unnoticed and very naturally caused some revolutionary changes in advertising industry, so companies started to take action. One of the world’s… Read more »

#RebateGate. The Advertiser-Agency Disconnect. Conflict of Interest. Part 3: Transparency and CheckMedia Solution

As we have previously covered here and here, the 2016 “RebateGate” proved to be a wake-up call for the advertising industry enshrouded in non-transparency, and uncovered the disconnect between the advertisers and their agencies in regards to the very nature of their relationship. The Association of National Advertisers, which commissioned the renowned K2 Intelligence Report, was quick to lend a helping hand to advertisers who found themselves at a loss as to how to cut their losses and recuperate. Published in July 2016 and updated to version 2.0 in July 2018, ANA’s template Master Media Buying Services agreement is part of the overall set of ANA’s Guidelines for best practice and is meant to serve as a blueprint for transparent regulation of the Advertiser-Agency relationship, ultimately aimed at rebuilding trust and confidence between the two parties. The advertiser-agency media management practices require full disclosure as their cornerstone principle. Seeing how many agencies have blurred the lines, the contract between the parties has to precisely define the nature of their relationship. Whether it be that the agency acts as the client’s agent or the principal in its own right, there should always be a contractually prescribed ability for the advertiser to… Read more »