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Category: Case Study

Measuring the Long-Term Effects of Advertising with Marketing Mix Models

Marketing mix modeling is a well-established and widely used standard approach for measuring key drivers of sales or any other business metric. In our previous article we provided a detailed explanation of how this tool works and compared our solution with Robyn, the open-source tool by Meta. Here you will learn about how MMM is used to measure the long-term effects of advertising. MMM allows estimating the incremental increase in sales, driven by both media features (through the nonlinear transformation of their metrics — response curves) and other external factors (macroeconomic indicators, pricing, promotions, distribution, etc.). They are particularly useful and are usually applied for identifying the short and medium-term impact of marketing This approach works well for products in mature stages or those that have reached a certain level of brand-awareness. However, products in the growth or market entry stages often require a different approach. Brand-building through creating an emotional connection between the consumer and the brand forms enduring consumer preferences and directly influences the upward trend in sales. To understand and evaluate the real effectiveness of marketing in such cases, it is necessary to assess not only short and medium-term but also long-term marketing effects. Approaches to measuring… Read more »

Case Study: Automating the Work of an Ad Agency

Major ad agencies operate an extensive number of ad projects. A client's single ad campaign can include upwards of 10,000 ad media. Large-scale campaigns require smart planning with account for all the nuances pertaining to the purchase of ad inventory, and proper gathering of all reports and documents once the placements expire. Characteristics of a major ad agency How do major ad agencies operate, specifically? Many clients: the agency managers service over 100 clients; Ads are bought in more than 100,000 media units annually; The agency has about 70 employees; The agency works with more than 870 contractors; Ads are placed in more than 650 cities, while different employees handle the buying in different cities; The overall process of media planning, buying, placement and closing of an ad campaign involves employees from different departments: – client service managers handling client support; – buying managers handling the media buying; – the document control or accounting department responsible for the closing of deals. This results in the following difficulties: the approval process takes a long time, since all matters are discussed and handled via email, both internally and when operating with clients and contractors; the launch of an ad campaign consists of multiple… Read more »

Case Study: Automation of Media Planning in a Telecom Company

Most TIER-1 companies, whose ad inventory includes over 10 000 media units, face certain difficulties with media buying, ad planning, auditing and analyzing, as well as media biddings. In this case study we take a look at how AdoptoMedia’s CheckMedia Solution V1.0 helps a telecom company with media bidding and media planning automation. In order to cover all of the company’s marketing processes the solution was integrated with a Marketing Resource Management (MRM) system.   1. Planning and launching an ad campaign: the key elements In a telecom company, one of the CMO’s key goals is to manage regional marketing activities, which includes ad campaigns: production of creatives, media planning, media buying and ad placement monitoring. In our case, the telecom company uses the following media channels in ad campaigns: TV; Radio; OOH; Digital.   Here are the key elements of the company’s media buying process: campaigns  take place in over 500 cities, meanwhile media buying and placement are managed by all 59 regional offices and the central marketing department; the regional offices are responsible for local ad suppliers and provide daily support for the ad planning and buying processes. The central marketing department controls and coordinates all regional office activities,… Read more »

Case Study: Modeling a Bank’s Media Mix with CheckMedia Solution V2.0

Most TIER-1 companies employing a full media mix to promote their services need to effectively allocate the media budget among their ad channels. Banks and other financial companies with a wide regional branch network are a typical example of this. Here we will delve into the specifics showcasing how CheckMedia Solution V2.0 by AdoptoMedia can lend a hand in navigating these investment strategies.   1. Customer profile The principal goal of any large bank's marketing department is to manage marketing activities, and this includes allocating the media budget among products, regions, media channels and ad media within each channel. The bank uses a full media mix to support its marketing activities: TV; radio; OOH advertising; Internet; printed press.  Below are the specifics of how the bank's marketing department operates: ad campaigns take place in over 70 cities, while media buying and placement are managed by all regional offices and the central marketing department; the regional offices handle the local ad suppliers, providing daily support for the ad planning and buying processes. The central marketing department controls and coordinates all regional office activity, as well as conducts planning and buying from federal ad suppliers; over 10,000 ad media are purchased annually for all media… Read more »