AdoptoMedia is your navigator in the digital transformation and media spend management

Tag: CheckMedia Solution

How to deal with in-housing problems

According to a joint research by In-House Agency Forum and Forrester, 64% of American corporations had an in-house agency in 2018 compared to 42% in 2008. The trend is becoming a reality even though it’s costly and challenging. In this article we investigate the benefits of building internal capabilities, functions better managed internally and ways to deal with widespread concerns and obstacles. It is quite obvious that large brands like Procter & Gamble, Ally Financial and Clorox wouldn’t set up internal marketing teams if it was useless. For example, P&G established its own agency in 2018 as a part of their new marketing strategy saving $750 mln. Apart from cost efficiency in-housing is also driven by the opportunity to gain greater brand insights, increase transparency and control over the creative. Another advantage of IHAs is they have the same goal with the brand and are more invested in successful outcome, which is not always the case with outside agencies. Sometimes they have conflicting interests and focus not on promoting the advertiser but on promoting themselves. It’s definitely not always the case, but happens occasionally. In-house teams better understand the business, know more about your products or services. They are insiders… Read more »

Marketing spend: to cut or optimize?

Over the last decade marketing effectiveness has been slowly declining and the industry has gone through a lot of changes. In attempt to save budgets many companies decided to reduce this expenditure area, but how wise was this move, given that marketing drives growth and enterprise value? This article covers an approach everyone should take when it comes to allocating budget. Marketers all over the world are under pressure to justify their huge spend, which amounts to 10% of revenue on average. In 2017 Binet & Field published a book called Marketing Effectiveness in the Digital Era, where they wrote that marketing effectiveness is currently declining. There are a few possible reasons behind such a trend: media fragmentation / complexity; too many metrics: address this issue by identifying key metrics for your organization; marketing effectiveness culture is still developing; lack of collaboration within a company: marketing and finance alone have four obstacles complicating their cooperation; narrow focus on some attribution models; focus on short-term results: the pie chart below demonstrates when campaign performance is measured. More than half of all respondents focused on immediate outputs, while only a third took into account longer time periods. But ads’ potential to drive… Read more »

12 competencies marketers develop to achieve best-in-class marketing accountability

Today, around 10% of revenue is allocated to marketing, and in 2018 these spends amounted approximately to a trillion dollars worldwide. All marketers are under pressure to justify such huge investments, but top professionals know how to cope with it. In this article you will find out how to become a high-performing marketer as well as increase accountability and transparency in your company. Despite all technological advancements in the industry, accurate quantification of marketing contribution remains a serious challenge, mainly because there are no universal standards in this area. Forbes addressed the problem by establishing an initiative together with the Marketing Accountability Standards Board aimed at helping businesses better measure, optimize and understand the contribution of marketing. They also conducted a research involving 800 CMOs to select the most effective tools, strategies and approaches available now. Every detail matters, all promotion channels, traditional and digital must be used in the most effective and efficient way, every investment should be a well-informed decision. Today data is power, so it doesn’t come as a surprise when experts mention it among analytics and martech that improve marketing performance. Here are nine key takeouts from the research, by doing which a company can get… Read more »

How marketing increases enterprise value?

There is no doubt marketing contributes a lot to company’s growth, but how to accurately define its contribution is still to be determined. In this article we cover most common challenges marketers face today and provide some valuable advice from a 2018 research by Forbes on how to apply marketing techniques wisely and quickly implement data-driven insights in your decision-making to increase the enterprise value. According to the research where over 800 marketing executives were involved, investments in marketing have become the major contributor to company value in today's digitally driven economy. Market conditions are changing quickly, intangible assets like brand equity, innovations and customer relationships are becoming increasingly important. To monitor complex, fast changing customer journey and address numerous other problems marketers worldwide annually spend about $1 trillion, moreover they are struggling to justify these huge expenses as well as measure their effectiveness. Most CMOs use over twenty tools; with this variety it’s getting more difficult to measure and optimize marketing investments. The need for higher marketing accountability shows that an international measurement standards should be established. Here are three reasons why organizations need to better understand, measure and improve marketing? Investors and owners need to see the impact… Read more »

Marketing technology to maximize your ROMI

According to a recent Gartner research, companies spend 12% of their revenue on marketing, and about a third of this money is allocated to marketing technology. It absolutely makes sense, because simply pouring money in advertising relying only on your experience or gut feeling will not necessarily give the results you expect. But with the right technology you don’t take any risks and find ways to cut spends and drive ROMI. The first step to an effective marketing strategy is high-quality and comprehensive data, because well-informed decisions based on statistics will definitely lead to success. The statistical tool that analyzes different parameters affecting past sales and provides forecasts for upcoming periods is Marketing Mix Modelling (MMM). Some important parameters it tracks are: Media types Effectiveness of online and offline channels Incremental sales MROI of different media types Seasonality Competitors’ marketing activities Implementing MMM is a wise choice not only for Consumer Goods industry, where the competition is high and brand loyalty is low, but for any large company that manages business in more than one region or country and promotes its goods and services through a wide range of media channels. With MMM you will be able to quickly and… Read more »

The right way to set up an in-house agency

After the transparency scandal broke out in the marketing industry, advertisers tried to solve this issue by in-housing some operations. Even though it initially results in ROI increase, it doesn’t mean this strategy is perfect. There are some factors that encourage companies to bring marketing functions in-house, but there are also some risks to consider. A large media agency Carat published a guide in April 2019 on how to efficiently in-house marketing operations and achieve the best results. Digital transformation requires changes, and relations between advertisers and agencies is one of the first things that should be reviewed to achieve more cooperation, a better dialogue and higher transparency. The problem with in-housing is that it loses its value over time and doesn’t result un as high ROI as initially. Sure it is inspiring to learn that one of the world’s largest advertisers Procter&Gamble set up its own in-house agency and managed to save $750 million in 2017, but such a transition should be performed very carefully with all the advantages and disadvantages taken into consideration. To achieve long-term positive results with in-housing you need to: align your company’s data strategy to its in-housing objective and  single out data maturity as… Read more »

Pioneers Conference 2018

Pioneers 2018 is a large-scale conference that took place in May 2018 in Vienna and gathered investors and representatives of modern start-ups. AdoptoMedia Company was among 550 most notable startups from around the world invited to participate in the conference. What distinguishes Pioneers 2018 from other similar projects is the fact that it selects startups developing "technologies of the future." At the same time both newly-founded startups and those in further stages of development are welcome to participate. In 2018, Pioneers Conference was held in a unique historical place — the 500-year old Winter Home of the Habsburg Dynasty. "This is the place where the past meets the future" – said Oliver Csendes, the CEO of Pioneers. The venue chosen for the conference imposed significant restrictions on the number of participants, which contributed to the high quality of the event. AdoptoMedia CEO, Aleksey Kuznetsov, represented the company at the conference in Vienna. The company is developing systems aimed at optimization of advertising budgets. The CEO’s speech was dedicated to AdoptoMedia’s main product — CheckMedia Solution, namely its features and benefits. CheckMedia Solution allows to easily distribute budgets between different ad channels, calculate customer’s optimal media spend and estimate ROMI(return on… Read more »

Technology HUB 2018

In May 2018, Milan hosted an event dedicated to innovative technologies — Technology HUB 2018. This innovative products trade show creates a favorable environment for establishing commercial relations with top IT and development experts. AdoptoMedia CEO, Aleksey Kuznetsov, took part in Technology HUB 2018 where he presented the company’s technological product — CheckMedia Solutions. Aleksey, could you please tell us more about your company and the product you presented on the trade show? Our company develops solutions to effectively plan advertising campaigns and optimize media budgets. The company’s unique product, CheckMedia Solutions, which was presented at the Technology HUB 2018, enables effective allocation of your ad budget across various media channels and helps to create and analyze media plans. Due to the fact that CheckMedia Solutions consists of different independent modules most of which can be deployed separately, the product is flexible and suitable for many customers. Which companies might benefit from CheckMedia Solutions? Large companies across Western and Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Middle East with annual media budget of more than $1 million, using more than 3 various advertising channels in their media campaigns. How exactly were you involved in the event? Why did you choose this… Read more »

McKinsey Revolutionary Media Mix Optimization

OMR Festival 2019 took place in Hamburg on 12th and 13th of May 2019. This event brought together international stars of the digital marketing, promising new players and absolute experts to provide a thorough analysis of relevant marketing trends. Top speakers included the representatives of giants like Adobe, Google, Facebook & co. A global management consulting firm McKinsey & Company also presented their inspiring innovations concerning “Marketing Operating Model”. They propose omnichannel person based optimization that has already proved effective and will save $15mln on marketing for Optus – the second largest telecommunications company in Australia.   To fully understand how this new generation solution changes the industry we should start with the current standing; and the biggest challenge we are facing today is that many marketers still struggle with MROI measurement and in 60% of cases are unable to estimate either long-term or short-term marketing impact. Various approaches available today help to answer the MROI question, but none is flawless. A/B testing is a simple technique that allows to see incremental impact by comparing two groups, test and control ones. It helps to identify more successful media tactics and improve performance, but it cannot deal with a more complex… Read more »

Media Measurement Tools

We are trying to keep you updated on all marketing measurement trends, that’s why we prepared an article on the use of measurement tools after the phase-out of cookies and IDFA. Get ready to privacy changes and apply solutions that won’t be affected by the new conditions. See how MMM, MTA, brand studies and other approaches are going to function without third-party cookies. According to EXL Service, retail CMOs and marketing managers invest 8-10% of their sales revenue into marketing. An important thing here is to distribute this budget between different media channels in the most effective way and make sure that all the money spent pays off. What we need is metrics that accurately reflect ROI on a sufficiently granular level; unfortunately for now, media measurement is not keeping pace with business needs in this rapidly changing media landscape, shifting from TV to a multi platform video. On CIMM’s request, the current state of marketing/media ROI analysis was analyzed. The Coalition for Innovative Media Measurement (CIMM) is a group of content providers, buyers and sellers promoting innovation for Television, Internet, Mobile and cross platform audience measurement in the USA. Among CIMM members are CBS, Discovery, NBC, P&G and The… Read more »