Technology HUB 2018, marketing, event, technological product, CheckMedia Solution, AdoptoMedia, advertising

In May 2018, Milan hosted an event dedicated to innovative technologies — Technology HUB 2018. This innovative products trade show creates a favorable environment for establishing commercial relations with top IT and development experts. AdoptoMedia CEO, Aleksey Kuznetsov, took part in Technology HUB 2018 where he presented the company’s technological product.

Aleksey, could you please tell us more about your company and the product you presented on the trade show?

Our company develops solutions to effectively plan advertising campaigns and optimize media budgets. The company’s unique product, which was presented at the Technology HUB 2018, enables effective allocation of your ad budget across various media channels and helps to create and analyze media plans.

Due to the fact that the product consists of different independent modules most of which can be deployed separately, it is flexible and suitable for many customers.

Which companies might benefit from AdoptoMedia’s product?

Large companies across Western and Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Middle East with annual media budget of more than $1 million, using more than 3 various advertising channels in their media campaigns.

How exactly were you involved in the event? Why did you choose this particular fair?

Technology HUB 2018 was aimed at presenting innovative products and technologies not only to potential customers, but also to business partners and experts in the field. Participation in such trade shows allows to create new directions for company’s growth and development.

Our product was demonstrated on a  four-meter stand, located in the center of the trade show pavilion. We provided various presentation materials on AdoptoMedia company, like roll-up banners, printed materials, etc. Visitors could familiarize themselves with the product features, ask any questions and consult our experts.

Technology HUB 2018, marketing, event, technological product, CheckMedia Solution, AdoptoMedia, advertising

What did you gain from taking part in Technology HUB 2018?

Participation in this event helped to determine that large companies are interested in the product. We have also started building a partner network in Italy to sell our products there and established business contacts with potential clients. The opportunity to interact with top digital technology experts, who shared their precious knowledge about IT sphere and gave us some valuable advice on developing our product, turned out to be really significant as well.