AdoptoMedia, Content Israel, content marketing, marketing, advertising budget optimization, advertising efficiencyContent Israel is a conference aimed at researching content marketing technologies. Among its participants are international and local agencies, start-ups and major brands.

The conference discusses various content marketing strategies, hosts workshops based around case study results and provides a venue for the best speakers from international companies such as SodaStream, The Guardian, Cisco, 3m and Linkedin, among others.

Content Israel itself encourages participants from different countries, such as the US, Israel, the UK and others, to share in the experience and gain knowledge needed to expand their businesses.

 AdoptoMedia was also represented at Content Israel in the fall of 2017. AdoptoMedia is an international start-up company with branches in Israel and Estonia. The company’s primary area of expertise is advertising budget optimization based on various technologies that include attribution and econometric modeling.

At the Content Israel round table, AdoptoMedia executives discussed with other participants the matters of content influencing overall advertising efficiency, and in particular, the impact of creative materials.

The abovementioned econometric modeling approach employed by AdoptoMedia, allows for baseline use of creatives as an efficiency-impacting factor.

The influence of creatives is evaluated using specific metrics, focus groups and neuro kit-based research being the most popular.

Focus groups are best applied when a creative approach is in question, and one needs responses to queries such as: “do you like?”, “why do you think so?”, et cetera, as opposed to simply accumulating statistics. A focus group is a method of researching public opinion that identifies the reasons behind a certain attitude toward a company, brand or product. Applying focus groups when evaluating creative materials is aimed at establishing which image or text are liked the best. For instance, during a focus group evaluating two images where a character was depicted en face and sideways, most respondents voted for the one with the full-face view.

Research with neuro kits is a rarer occasion. The kit registesr brain signals arising upon receipt of certain information. During research, a person is being shown different content. If some of it the person likes better, their brain registers a discernible reaction.

The participation in Content Israel helped AdoptoMedia explore the current trends in creatives and content quality evaluation, to be used in the improvement of the company’s own product. The conference’s other guests displayed interest in the AdoptoMedia platform, with many attracted to how the evaluation of creative impact takes place and how it helps optimize advertising budgets.