Tag: Smau Milano

Visiting SMAU Milano 2017

Smau is an International Exhibition of Information and Communication Technology that has been held since 1964. The idea behind it is to present cutting-edge solutions in digital technology to a wide audience. Smau Milano took place in October 2017. More than 250 innovative international companies presented their products in a space of 22,000 square feet. At Smau Milano 2017, AdoptoMedia was represented by CEO Alexey Kuznetcov and marketing director Kristina Pustovit. Kristina will now tell more about the company, its field and on taking part in the exhibition. Kristina, good afternoon! First off, could you please tell about the theme behind Smau Milano and the product you were presenting? Discussions at Smau Milano mainly had to do with marketing digitalization. The main issue with operating offline and online channels at the same time is how difficult it is to measure them both at once. Performing estimations for online advertising, on the one hand, is a rather streamlined process, since there are dedicated metrics and analysis tools. However, when working with offline ads, there is no one clear method for doing such measurements and estimating efficiency. An advanced solution, developed by AdoptoMedia, enables you to allocate budgets among advertising channels. Consolidating offline and… Read more »