Tag: marketing spend optimization

Marketing Spend: to Cut or Optimize?

Over the last decade marketing effectiveness has been slowly declining and the industry has gone through a lot of changes. In attempt to save budgets many companies decided to reduce this expenditure area, but how wise was this move, given that marketing drives growth and enterprise value? This article covers an approach everyone should take when it comes to allocating budget. Marketers all over the world are under pressure to justify their huge spend, which amounts to 10% of revenue on average. In 2017 Binet & Field published a book called Marketing Effectiveness in the Digital Era, where they wrote that marketing effectiveness is currently declining. There are a few possible reasons behind such a trend: media fragmentation / complexity; too many metrics: address this issue by identifying key metrics for your organization; marketing effectiveness culture is still developing; lack of collaboration within a company: marketing and finance alone have four obstacles complicating their cooperation; narrow focus on some attribution models; focus on short-term results: the pie chart below demonstrates when campaign performance is measured. More than half of all respondents focused on immediate outputs, while only a third took into account longer time periods. But ads’ potential to drive… Read more »