Tag: digital advertising

Internet Marketing Trends

Internet has divided our lives into before and after and has brought about changes in every sphere of our lives. Marketing is also taking advantage of all the opportunities that online world has to offer, like digital media, programmatic ads and e-commerce platforms.This article is an overview of the latest marketing trends online. E-commerce and social media are growing and taking away customers from traditional retailers and media. Global Web Index Survey of over 50 thousand internet users all over the world found that among various social media platforms YouTube and Instagram have gained the most momentum over the last two years, even though Facebook is still the most popular platform. But if the trend continues, YouTube might overpass Facebook in the next couple of years. The amount of video content consumed by the internet users is growing, and advertisers are increasingly using video marketing to promote their goods and services. When it comes to social media, influencer marketing can be very effective, especially if an influencer has a loyal and highly involved audience. Currently the leading internet ad platforms in the USA are Google and Facebook, and with targeted advertising, that these platforms provide a company can better optimize… Read more »

Advertising Trends in India 2019

The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) together with Ernst & Young published a 300-page report on current state and future prospects of Indian Media and Entertainment sectors. This article is an overview of trends concerning advertising. India is a large and fast growing market, in 2014 it surpassed the United States, the EU, and China in terms of real GDP growth and has been steadily maintaining such level ever since. When it comes to media market, it’s a very diverse and the fastest growing sector of Indian economy that attracts a lot of investors. And the most effective sphere of M&E that provides major part of the revenue is advertising, which is expected to grow even more in the upcoming years. If we compare the Indian ad spend in terms of percentage of GDP to that of other large economies, we’ll see that India spends about twice less money on advertising than Japan or China, so there is room for a considerable growth. On the whole, there is a clear shift towards digital channels, which now account for 21% of all ad spends in India. And the figure will go up when more safety measures are… Read more »

Evolution of MMO. Part 2: Breakthrough.

Over the last 40 years there have been some significant changes in Marketing Mix Optimisation: not only different models came and went, but also new advertising channels appeared. The digital revolution has changed the industry significantly, allowing companies to reach more potential customers and make better targeted ads. With so many new marketing channels the issue of optimal budget allocation is as relevant as ever. And some companies are unaware that huge databases they possess are the key to making more informed marketing decisions. By using this high-quality data along with improved techniques companies can react quickly to changes in consumer behavior, which is crucial in the digital age, where advertising campaigns are short-lived, and without the needed data even the most sophisticated models are useless. Accenture successfully introduced more granular data into Media Mix Optimization models complying with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) as a result of their partnership with Facebook. Firstly, Facebook records the results of paid advertising campaigns on their platform, then receives client’s consent and finally provides the aggregated data to Accenture, that uses the data in MMM. Such almost real-time feedback allows creating and changing Media Mix Models much quicker. Another perk of this partnership… Read more »