Tag: association of national advertisers

#RebateGate. The state of non-transparency. Part 1: the K2 Intelligence report.

In 2016 the marketing industry community was shaken by a major event with potentially massive and all-encompassing repercussions. Aptly named “RebateGate”, the cataclysm was caused by an eye-opening report on media transparency in the advertising industry. The independent research behind it was commissioned by the Association of National Advertisers (“ANA”) and conducted by K2 Intelligence LLC (“K2”), leading the fact-finding part of the study. Addressing the study’s results, Ebiquity/FirmDecisions (“Ebiquity”) partnered with K2 to develop specific applicable advice and recommendations to help advertisers adjust to this newfound information and address the potential blind spots. Throughout the process, K2 put out requests for interviews, reaching out to 281 sources, finally conducting 143 interviews with 150 separate sources, which amounted to a cross-section representation of how the United States’ media buying ecosystem operates. Throughout the study, all of the interviewed participants’ identities were kept secret from both the ANA and Ebiquity, including all the individuals and corporate entities named in the sources’ accounts. Additionally K2 held full authority over the methodologies the study team applied, also having editorial control over how the report was eventually presented. What K2 realized was that within that sample they studied, there were pervasive non-transparent business practices. Out of the 117 sources… Read more »

Case Study: Modeling a Bank’s Media Mix with AdoptoMedia Platform

Most TIER-1 companies employing a full media mix to promote their services need to effectively allocate the media budget among their ad channels. Banks and other financial companies with a wide regional branch network are a typical example of this. Here we will delve into the specifics showcasing how AdoptoMedia can lend a hand in navigating these investment strategies. 1. Customer profile The principal goal of any large bank’s marketing department is to manage marketing activities, and this includes allocating the media budget among products, regions, media channels and ad media within each channel. The bank uses a full media mix to support its marketing activities: TV; radio; OOH advertising; Internet; printed press. Below are the specifics of how the bank’s marketing department operates: ad campaigns take place in over 70 cities, while media buying and placement are managed by all regional offices and the central marketing department; the regional offices handle the local ad suppliers, providing daily support for the ad planning and buying processes. The central marketing department controls and coordinates all regional office activity, as well as conducts planning and buying from federal ad suppliers; over 10,000 ad media are purchased annually for all media channels. All ad media purchases… Read more »