Tag: Adidas

Why Adidas Changes its Marketing Measurement Approach?

Research shows that using marketing technology to measure effectiveness results in significant performance improvement. But what if the approach you use is flawed and measurement results are only preventing your business from making the most of advertising. Such was the case with Adidas that had been over-investing in digital channels due to MTA analytics. Turns out even multinational corporations like Adidas aren’t immune to mistakes. But who can blame them? I mean weren’t we all charmed by promising advantages of multi-touch attribution. It’s a relatively new tool that functions at a highly granular level and is especially suitable for measuring digital campaigns. MTA can analyze individual customer journey and find what marketing activities lead to conversion. This high level of granularity makes you think that the tool is more accurate than it really is, but this major strength became its main problem when legal restrictions concerning data privacy came into force. GDPR severely limits the potential of attribution. Other limitations of MTA are: It covers a limited number of KPIs Most models cover only digital channels and can’t account for offline touchpoints. It attributes too much credit to digital advertising Privacy regulations limit its functionality It’s difficult to stitch touchpoints… Read more »